Please pay attention to several important rules that will provide you with long-term aesthetic satisfaction and comfort in use of our exclusive mirrors.

  1. Avoid sudden temperature changes and direct sunlight. Place the mirror away from appliances that emit heat. The recommended temperature is +16 – +27 degrees. Humidity 45-75%. You can focus on your own feelings, because a wooden material, like all living organisms, must be able to breath.
  2. To wipe the mirror is recommended with a damp flannel cloth and alcohol-free polish. Because epoxy can dissolves under its influence.
  3. For additional care, we recommend lubricating the product with linseed oil or special oils with hard wax for wood. They will provide protection from external influences.

If you will follow these simple rules with the addition of your love and care this mirror will decorate your home for a long time.

Sincerely, Svichado!
Thank you for your trust!